Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Finding my way in Southern California

     It appears that I have been away for quite some time since I've not written a blog entry since 2013.  One of my resolutions for the coming year is to be more active with this blog and that's the reason for this first post.  
     I moved to Southern California from North Carolina in the later part of 2014 and have spent the past year trying to jump start my photography business from scratch.  I won't lie to you; it has been very hard and many times I have thought about giving up.  I have joined business networking meetings, professional photography clubs and Facebook groups for local photographers in hopes of finding my elusive clients.  As you may have guessed, I'm still slowly finding those clients on my own.  I've recently decided to streamline my work to portraits and weddings with a strong emphasis on Contemporary Glamour Portraits. I was trying to sell myself as a jack-of-all-trades but that doesn't fly well here.  In my opinion, one must have a niche in the market in order to get noticed among the pack of momtogs (moms with cameras).   I've always wanted an in-home studio and living in California has provided me that opportunity.  I'm following the business plan of one of my favorite portrait photographers, Sue Bryce.  Sue started her business in her home studio and has worked her way up to greatness.  She inspires me to work harder and overcome my fears; or blocks as she calls them.  Here are a few images from a recent photo shoot here in my home studio.   I'm slowly finding my way in California and I know with patience and lots of advice from other greats in the area I will survive. 

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